



在每个年级,SPS的核心工作是支持学生的学习. We believe it is our responsibility to do whatever it takes to ensure that every child, 不分种族, 性别, 社会经济地位, 语言能力, 学习方式或残疾, 达到他们的最高水平. 

Now that your child is in 3rd grade, they are more able to put ideas together and learn on their own.

While they are still building skills in 读ing and writing and the basics of 数学, 三年级的学生开始深入挖掘话题, 转向更高级的问题解决和研究活动. 这需要他们结合不同的能力.

这是他们学习的重要时期! 当他们从 学习阅读, to 阅读学习, you can support their growing enthusiasm for learning and 信心 by helping them to organize their ideas and showing them how to break projects into pieces they can manage.

因为三年级学生经常热衷于参加新活动, helping them find groups and places where they will feel comfortable to stretch their learning and build on interests is a good idea. They may enjoy tasks that they can start and complete on their own, as well as projects with multiple parts that they can work on with others. Make time for their questions and show them how you learn new things from what you see, 听到, 读, ,做.

当你和孩子的老师交谈时, you can describe the independent learning you see at home and ask how your child is developing at school.



  • 开学第一天


  • 家长会


  • End of 1st Trimester; 1st Progress Report Available


  • End of 2nd Trimester; 2nd Progress Report Available


  • End of 3rd Trimester; 3rd Progress Report Available



Make sure you understand the social-emotional and learning 读iness skills on the report card. 这些为你的孩子准备语言艺术, 数学, 科学, 社会研究, 体育和艺术标准,让他们走上正轨!



Parent and guardians can create an account with the email on record at their student’s school.



At 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 we believe that social emotional learning prepares students for learning and life.



At school, students learn and practice SEL skills throughout the day.



  • 说出你的感受 让你更容易做出选择. 孩子和成年人可以谈论他们的想法, 他们的身体感觉如何, and their emotions every day so it’s easier during times of stress.
  • 设定和庆祝目标 让完成任务变得更有趣. Learn from mistakes and pay attention to what works so you can do more of it!
  • 用善意解决问题 gives us a chance to understand each other and practice being “our best selves”



  • Independently 读 different types of writing or text, called genres
  • Find the main idea and share key details from text to support thinking
  • 能够准确流利地阅读和理解年级水平的课文, 找出不认识的单词的意思
  • 用事实和细节写出他们的观点或信息
  • Work to plan, and edit writing to make it clearer and more organized
  • 为不同的目的和读者写作
  • 参与课堂合作对话


  • Create a 读ing space that is comfortable and free from distraction 
  • Ask your child to share details and examples or compare and contrast characters from what they 读 
  • 鼓励你的孩子写并给你读他们写的东西 
  • 一起谈论时事,分享想法和观点 
  • Go to the library and encourage your child to try different types of books and tell you about them 



三年级的数学, students will build on their 2nd grade understanding of Base-10 number system and operations to:

Two students smile for a photo while sitting at a desk in a classroom
  • Use understanding of our number system to develop strategies for addition and subtraction strategies to solve within 1,000
  • Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division within 100
  • Determine area of given shape and relate it to addition and multiplication
  • 理解乘法和除法的关系
  • Compare fractions and recognize equivalent fractions using models.
  • 解决包含四种操作的两步字谜题
  • 按比例绘制图形和条形图
  • 表示具有多个类别的数据集

我们相信所有的学生都有数学天赋. Your child’s teacher seeks to cultivate brilliance to develop your child into a 数学ematical thinker and problem solver. 你的孩子会看到谁在他们的生活中看到数学的价值.




这是科学教育转型的时代, with teaching and learning focused on three key areas in 华盛顿 state 科学 Learning Standards:

  1. 科学/engineering practices used by professionals to explain the world or solve problems
  2. 核心思想,包括基本的科学知识
  3. Crosscutting concepts frame scientific thinking across life, earth/space, physical 科学s.

你孩子的成绩单显示了你对他们的表现期望S,即学生在一个单元结束时应该能够做什么. 这三个维度被编织到每个表现期望中.


  • Ask open-ended questions and take time to encourage thoughtful answers: “Tell me about what you made.”“你认为是什么导致了这种变化?”“你能想出另一种方法吗?”
  • Observe carefully and notice small details about natural and physical things like shapes in a spider web or types of b读.
  • Make predictions and test how things work “How long will an ice cube last on the counter?”“在另一个表面上融化得更快吗?”
  • 鼓励调查. Try taking things apart to see how they work – from flowers to old appliances. 不用担心把它们拼回去!
  • Let your child teach you by explaining or modeling through drawing, writing, or conversation.
  • 挑战你的学生根据证据进行辩论. 这不是战斗,而是用事实来解释他们的想法. 问:“你怎么知道的?”“为什么呢?”

3-5家长指南 (英语)

准备一份学生档案 西班牙(3 - 5)


Get outside together, taking time to notice, appreciate, and wonder about the natural world.



The report card shows five areas of 社会研究 that you and your child can discuss.

  • 公民 – Understand that communities have people with different cultural perspectives 
  • 经济学 – Understand that laws, values and customs influence economic systems 
  • 地理位置 – Understand elements that cultures share; Understand cultural characteristics of regions in North America 
  • 历史 -了解不同的文化群体如何塑造历史 
  • 社会研究技能 – Ask questions and use primary and secondary sources to find information and make conclusions 



在体育教育(PE), 学生培养运动技能, 知识, 健身, 社会福利, 和自信让他们可以享受健康的生活, 积极的生活方式. 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 is committed to providing a quality physical education program to help students develop in these areas. 

我们的体育标准 是基于运动和运动模式和技能吗, 以及像身体素养这样的概念, 也就是能力, 信心, 并且渴望一生都积极锻炼身体. 体育是一项教学项目, 这和课间休息有什么不同, 自由发挥, 休闲体育, 或体育运动.

PE teachers work with general education teachers to provide high quality instruction for an average of 100 minutes per week, 这是华盛顿州法律要求的吗. 学校以不同的方式组织体育时间, but all students should be learning about their physical selves all year long! 



Research shows that students with an arts education are more engaged, 在学校表现更好, 更有可能毕业并参与社区生活. 在西雅图的公立学校, 我们希望每个学生都能得到全面的评价, 在幼儿园到12年级期间接受可预测的艺术教育.

每所小学提供不同的艺术课程, 从可能性包括视觉艺术, 一般的音乐, 剧院, 跳舞, 或者器乐.

进度报告标准 come from the 华盛顿 state Arts Learning Standards, which focus on aspects of artistic process:

  • 创建:发展新的艺术思想和作品.
  • 执行:解释和展示艺术思想/作品
  • 回应理解和评价艺术中的意义
  • 连接与艺术思想和作品有关的



  • 问问你的孩子他们今天创造了什么. 
  • 让你的孩子描述他们的艺术是关于什么的. 
  • 艺术是孩子们试验和犯错的领域. 
  • 让他们告诉你一个“美丽的糟糕” 
  • 一起创作艺术! 
